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What Are The Essential Seven Commands That You Need To Teach Your Dog?

essential dog commands

Do you want him to learn essential social skills and manners? Well, here are the few basic commands that your dog needs to be taught.

Teaching the manners to your pet will establish your strong bond with your pet because researches suggest that behaviorally mannered dogs are more satisfied and attached with their owners.

But wait,

Before you begin training your dog, teach him "look at me or watch me" command, it's a way to seek your pet's attention. For this, decide the words you will use in front of your dog and remain consistent with them like "watch," "look." Further, to grasp your puppy's full attention, say "look" and offer him a treat.

Follow these directions and continue the training of your dog.


  • If you have taught one command to your puppy and is trying to teach the next, he is not mastering. Then don't annoy your puppy and stop the training on a good note-offer him a treat or playtime. Hence keep the training short and joy.
  • If, while training, you find your dog aggressive, then move to a vet or specialist. Don't try to handle things by yourself because you may make them worse.

Let's delve into the essential commands that you need to teach your dog.

Teach Your Dog, "SIT."

Sit command is the most basic and natural command taught to a puppy or dog. Learning a sit command is easy for dogs. To teach a dog, take a treat close to his nose, he will sniff it and try to catch it as the dog is in the sitting position so he will pull his neck up to follow the treat. It's the time when you can command your dog to sit. Within the few sessions, your dog will get trained.  


  • You can stop the irritating and bothering dog-like prevent him from jumping over other dogs.
  • It can eliminate the risk of dog injury.

Teach Your Dog "STAY."

Before moving to this command, make sure that your dog has appropriately learned the sit command.

Ask your dog to sit, and with the action of your open palm, ask him, "stay." Then Step back and reward him with a treat if he follows you. Gradually increase the distance and time of the stay of the dog.

Always reward your pet with a treat or affection, even if they followed you for only a few seconds.

Tip: Teach your dog when he is hungry or tired


  • It helps to keep the hyperactive dog under self-control.

Teach Your Dog "DOWN OR LIE DOWN."

It is another most essential command.

Hold a treat or reward for your dog in your hand. Place the hand with a treat straight on the floor. To get the treat, your dog will lie down and, at that moment, give him a treat and a release cue to stand back. After a few days, when he starts learning to lie down, you can start saying "down" command. Continue this process until they learn entirely to lie down.

Once your dog has learned the command of a lie-down, move onto the trick of rolling over.

Tip: Never shout at your dog if he disobeys you

Teach Your Dog, "HEEL."

All the dogs must learn the heel command and walk calmly by their owner's side.

Snap-on a leash in your hand and keep your dog at a knee level on your left side. When you give the heel command, he will start to walk with your left leg. And ask him to stay at your heels. Stop the dog at all the crosswalks or if he tries to go ahead of you. If required, give a gentle tug of the leash to ensure that he follows all your instructions.

After a few days, you will see that your dog remains at your heels.

Tip: While teaching the heel command to your dog, do not take him to the same path daily. Make sudden changes in your way and ask your dog to follow you.

Keep the walk fun and joy.


  • The dog will walk next to you and keep pace with you.
  • You will enjoy loose lead walks with your puppy.

Teach Your Dog "OFF."

If your dog annoys you by jumping over the visitors or sofas or shaking the bottle filled with pebbles, you must teach him "off" command.

When the dog paws are on the sofa or table, put a treat in front of him and say "off." As soon as he follows you, praise him, or give him a treat. Make sure to say "off" every time.


  • Your dog will greet visitors politely and mannerly.   

Teach Your Dog, "LEAVE IT."

This is a high-value cue while training a dog. "Leave it" is a versatile command. It's not only about leaving a gross thing on a floor, but this is like a superman level recall for your dog.

Put a tasty treat on the ground or table, and let your dog go towards it. Ask him, "leave it," say the same command about three to four times, then immediately give him treat when he moves away from the treat. Over many sessions increase the treat time, which means don't give him treat atone.


  • It teaches your dog a lesson of self-control, which is helpful in different situations.

Teach Your Dog, "COME."

Another most important, reliable, and emergency recall for your dog is "come" command.

Tie a collar or leash around your dog's neck. Sit in front of the dog and ask him to come to you. When the dog comes to you, greet him, and reward him with a treat. Now try it again and gradually increase the distance between you and your dog. When your dog trained enough, play hide and seek with him at your house.

Tip: Don't train a dog or play with him publicly. Once he is reliable, you can play with him in the parks.


  • It will let your dog come to you in emergencies.

These seven essential commands will help you to develop a special bond with your dog and keep him safe in the troubles. These will also make your life even easier.

Don't panic while training your dog because making your dog; an obedience champ takes time. Stay calm, patient, and shower heaps of love to train your unresponsive dog into a responsible and loyal pet.   

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